(update: due to limited capacity, sign-ups for the workshop are now closed)
When: May 23rd, 10:00-16:00
Where: On site in Amsterdam
Interested in learning how to work with social media data? Join us for the first workshop of CAT4SMR, the initiative that builds and maintains Capture and Analysis Tools for Social Media Research!
On May 23rd in Amsterdam, we will introduce interested scholars to two powerful tools (4CAT and the YouTube Data Tools) for the data-driven analysis of online platforms such as 4chan, Instagram, Reddit, Telegram, Twitter, TikTok, and YouTube. The goal is to help students (Master’s, PhD) and researchers (all levels) integrate social media analysis in their research and teaching.
The morning (10:00-12:30) will be dedicated to the presentation and discussion of 4CAT and YouTube Data Tools. How and why to use them, how to get up and running, best practices and things to watch out for.
In the afternoon (13:30 – 16:00), we split into small groups and open the floor to discuss specific research questions and projects, and how to approach them in terms of methodology, logistics, ethics, and so forth. This part of the workshop is optional.
Entry is free, but registration is required. A catered lunch is included. Please sign up here before May 16th to reserve a spot and help us plan the workshop. A limited amount of space is available.
The workshop is organized an facilitated by the CAT4SMR project and the team members Erik Borra, Stijn Peeters, and Bernhard Rieder.
BuzzHouse (BG5)
Oudezijds Achterburgwal 233-237
1012 DL Amsterdam